Thursday, December 11, 2008

How does this go again?

Well, it's baby time again.  I'm pregnant with number 2 due in August.  Our little girl will be 2 in January, so she should be pretty aware of what's going on when the baby comes.  Different from last time, this time we found out pretty early, so I wasn't really having any symptoms yet.  But they have started to show up.  My husband thinks it's psychological - I told him to go get pregnant and then let me know if it's psychological. :o)

It's only been a little over 2 years since the last time I was pregnant - I didn't think I would have forgotten so much about it.  I mean, I guess I vaguely remembered the idea of it, but the reality of being clumsy, forgetful, nauseated and tired have just now started to clearly make an appearance again.  I still have those crazy "what if my baby's not normal or what if there's a problem" jitters, but there is one idea that is a load off my mind this time - I AM going to be able to do this.  The first time I was pregnant, I guess because of the unknown, I spent so much time thinking about how in the world I was gonna do this and get it right.  Not that I have gotten everything right, in fact I have learned a lot, but at least I have experience on my side now and it's not such an unknown any more.  I understand that each baby is a completely different human being and each delivery is a different experience, but I am MUCH more at ease about this one - however JUST AS excited!!!